Beautiful wife goes missing and police are suspicious of the husband, as always, but the husband was touring California at that time, doing speaking engagements on his success.
Unfortunately, Western Hills, having a tiny staff, doesn't sell by mail, but it's a wonderful stop-off while touring Northern California.
Thought Riot toured California for a period in 2006.
Due to this, Essig was able to book many of the same national acts at The Mainzer whenever they were touring California.
In March 1997, the St. Olaf Band toured California for nine days.
But Mr. Bush demonstrated little of those qualities as he toured California last week to warn against "euphoria" in world affairs.
They are touring California giving press conferences on behalf of the Bush campaign.
The band continued to play locally, including a show with The Western State Hurricanes while they also toured California.
Wickham began his full-time music career by touring California and recording his first album.
The Australian schoolboys team toured Oregon, California and Arizona in 2009, playing 16 games finishing with a 11-5 record over the course of 19 days.