The band toured the UK, Europe, North America and Asia to promote the release of Enjoy Eternal Bliss.
The company was restarted as the American Ballet Caravan and toured North and South America, although it too folded after several years.
He toured Europe and North and South America, gaining a reputation as a remarkable pianist.
As a member of the Jose Greco Dance Company, she toured Europe and North and South America from 1947 to 1951.
"Touring the North?"
In June, July, and August, he toured North and South America.
The band existed for five years during which time they toured Europe, North America and Japan extensively.
He toured North and South America and played for White House occasions.
Now based in Germany, he is currently the artistic director of "Acostas Company Shows", a tango and gaucho company that tours Japan, North America and Europe.
He toured both North and South America as well as South Africa.