The tour will benefit Manitoga, the former home and studio of the designer Russel Wright.
The tours are sponsored by the Providence Preservation Society and the Fleet National Bank, and benefit the society.
The tour benefited Habitat for Humanity's home building program in several different ways.
Mr. Mackintosh continued: "The tour has benefited from the previous productions, and now it's on the same scale as it was in London.
The tour will benefit the national children's charity, Project Sunshine.
The academic tours benefited from support through the collaboration of staff from Leoben.
Critics noted that while the show and its setlist were largely the same as before, the tour mostly benefited from the increased scale.
This tour of Europe that we are offering students from third countries will thus also benefit European students in the future if they so wish.
Most tours benefit some group.
The tour will benefit the Hudson Chamber Symphony and will include performances by ensemble and solo players from the orchestra.