The tour began on January 2, 1971 and finished in August the same year.
After a short break, the tour finished with a final 9 shows in Europe.
White stated in an interview that she would not sign a record deal until the tour finished.
The women's tour ran the same time as the men's and finished 2-3 hours before the men each day.
The tours, which last either 9 or 14 days, start and finish in London.
His tour finished in May 1943, total claims made being 17 aircraft shot down and several ground kills.
To recover health condition, she took hiatus for months after the tour finished.
The tour finished in the kitchen and she started to busy herself around the cooker.
The tour finished with 3 dates in Germany on the 25th, 26th and 27 June.
By the time the tour actually finished it was all getting a little bit... dangerous.