Federico toured as lead guitarist on Jon's Latin American tour of nine countries in 1993.
He has played on Demi Lovato's Records and toured on her first tour.
Amelle toured with Stryder on his promotional tour.
After the breakup, Tom Liwa toured with Blumfeld on their first tour.
Over the following year, Reifler toured consistently on his "48 in 08" tour to support the album.
They toured with the Cancer Bats in 2007 on their last tour.
She toured with him from 1988 to 1992, again in October 1997, and again on his 1999 tour of Japan.
The pair toured Sri Lanka together on England B's 1986 tour.
He toured with the Lions again on their 1962 tour to South Africa.
White toured on The X Factor's tour, with fellow series 5 finalists.