He lingered as the tour party headed for the stairwell.
Remember that in a tour party of 35 there will be 13 disgruntled blokes every time a side is named.
How can you listen for the "still, small voice of God" if there are six tour parties in different languages walking past?
He was included in the long list, but not the tour party (having not played international rugby for 3 years).
But as Tazol returned to the tour party, she manufactured a smile.
The 24-year-old passes on the benefit of his experience to England's tour party.
The Japanese tour party (listed here) was weaker than it could have been.
Not needing to be told again, the tour party fell to their knees with some haste.
The place is heaving with a large, loud American tour party.
She followed a tour party through the revolving doors and seconds later was back on the pavement.