It was a tourist bar that had had to go local and couldn't make the switch.
He was thinking like a chieftain with thralls at his disposal, not like a ruthless head vampire who owned a tourist bar in Shreveport.
Lisa Nguyen sat in a tourist bar on Star Base Nine, wishing she were anywhere else.
Not that it was bad for a tourist bar, actually; she almost suspected it of being a local hangout.
He and Jim were headed for one of the tourist bars in ShanaiKahr.
Certainly none of the ridiculous tourist bars and clubs in Cancun...
On the mainland, many popular tourist bars have been designed to re-create the feel of a traditional wine cellar.
Honey had hopped into her husband's truck and trailed the biker to a tourist bar on Chokoloskee.
If you like Scotch on the rocks, a tourist bar would have been the place for you.
There are currently no factory tours, but the Barrita de Ron Caney, a tourist bar attached to t.