Chappie then sends a phony "tourist" to Mike to complain that he has been taken for $10,000 by Mary's father.
It used to be that tourists complained when they could not travel around the Soviet Union without an Intourist escort.
Environmentalists recommend using safer insect repellants based on natural oils, but many tourists complains these are less effective.
Residents and tourists alike frequently complain about the water quality and the cost of the basic services such as electricity and natural gas.
Many students, tourists, and local businesses complained about the gates, which were locked for a month and a half.
A few tourists have complained about being bumped by one of the moving carts, which are not very easy things to move.
The birds and insects were almost as various, and if anything more numerous-so much underfoot and overhead that fastidious tourists complained.
Since the regulations went into effect, tourists have complained of increased paperwork and delays of up to several hours in getting the permit.
"Many tourists have complained," Mr. Cheam Yeap said.
British tourists of the 1920s complained, especially about attached photographs and physical descriptions, which they considered led to a "nasty dehumanisation".