Two ponytailed German tourists stroll through the gate in rustic sandals.
At night, it remains a ghost town, when tourists aren't strolling the street and poking through the rehabilitated buildings.
It emptied the beach cottages and town homes and condos and hotel rooms as the tourists strolled through the sand toward the water.
On the sidewalk, tourists strolled up and down.
Once at the cottage, visitors find it takes some getting used to, being entertained in the backyard while tourists stroll, unseen, yards away.
A few minutes walk from the Regina Hotel is Lake Zurich, where tourists and residents stroll.
Gawking tourists strolled past buzzing clusters of Orientals.
A few tourists strolled through early, wearing cameras, and new Red Sox hats made of plastic mesh that fit badly.
These days, tourists stroll downtown Naples in packs of four - two men and two women.
Here the Canal Era is recreated and tourists can stroll through a nineteenth-century town.