"A tourist probably trying to find Lindbergh's grave," I say.
On the bridge, tourists can try their hand at steering an ice-breaker, thanks to a simulator similar to one used for training.
They blow whistles whenever tourists try to wade into the basin.
Some tourists have tried to bribe the guardian to see it, monks said.
There are several facilities where tourists can try their hand at these crafts, and take their handiwork home as souvenirs.
No one can travel safely here without a guide, though the occasional renegade or stray tourist has tried.
A few tourists tried to get to me, to say how much they'd enjoyed the performance.
Mr Ambu said that the bull may have been startled when the two tourists tried to take its photo and charged at them.
The tourists try to detain him but he evades them and races to the scene hoping to save Hilary.
Chaos followed as frightened tourists tried to dive into the booths to keep out of the line of fire.