She advocates more federal resources to control immigration but favors measures to steer illegal immigrants who have been in the country for several years toward citizenship.
In return, the foreigners receive a permanent residency visa, or green card, the coveted document that is the first step toward American citizenship.
The House immigration plan, by contrast, creates no track toward citizenship.
It was an important step toward citizenship for the freedmen.
"All the plaintiffs are working toward citizenship," Mr. Hayashi said.
Still, they remained, and last week the Government gave the group temporary resident status, an initial step toward citizenship.
It must not violate the hopes of deserving people who want to work toward citizenship.
Temporary residency is the first step toward citizenship, usually a six-year procedure.
Mr. Bush said he would support increasing the number of people who can obtain permanent residency status and start on a path toward citizenship.
"The Government claims to have a neutral policy toward citizenship," he said.