He was criticized for his confrontational style toward suburban interests and the apparent diversion of city resources to downtown Detroit from other neighborhoods.
It runs the risk of being intensely skewed toward private, for-profit interests.
Casteja participated in the Swedish foreign policy to direct it toward French interests.
The proposed rules, however, are too weighted toward corporate interests and insufficiently toward the needs of employees.
They accused the agency of inefficiency and tilting toward ultra-Orthodox interests.
Fleet tends to shape its members toward narrow interests, rigid reactions, even in I die best.
Ms. Collins is not alone in her suspicion that some of the rankings are skewed toward special interests.
Nascar, for one, does not seem concerned that involvement with the lottery will send racing down a slippery slope toward gambling interests.
They also have to be pursuing an agenda that is not antagonistic in any way toward black interests.
Unlike the rational theory of motivation, people are not driven toward economic interests under the natural system.