Changing attitudes toward race in the last generation have helped overhaul the old interpretation of Reconstruction as a bad idea gone wrong.
Indeed, Martins' first question upon inviting the missionaries into his home concerned the church's attitude toward race.
Mr. Kerry is the first presidential candidate to put large amounts of his own money toward next year's race.
Galveston's attitudes toward race were at times unique in the region.
Since then, however, attitudes toward race and politics have become factors by which some skinheads align themselves.
It's not directed toward any religious group or race of people.
As we know, the answers to these questions are complicated, involving at a minimum people's attitudes toward race, crime and education.
But they underscore even more deeply felt attitudes toward race here, and in many similar towns in the South.
Some are even recruiting black students, exhibiting a new attitude toward race.
But he said the attacks did not reflect the nation's attitude toward race.