She led him down the step, the one step toward salvation that was all he had been able to achieve.
In any case, worshiping on the Sabbath because one has to will not lead one inch toward salvation.
However, the first step toward salvation might be to buy one of the channel's leather bound Holy Bibles, available for only $98.99.
It portrays a feeling of togetherness as the human figures embrace one another as they are carried toward salvation.
Breathing through my nose, I'm stretching my tongue toward salvation.
At once he commenced examining the contents which, in theory, should assist him toward ultimate salvation.
"And then -" Holtmann blurted the words in a last effort toward salvation.
With the last of his air dying in his chest, he crawled upward, toward light, toward salvation.
Whether this shift is a move toward salvation or destruction is, and should be, unclear.
But where the bird had borne him toward salvation, this horse took him closer to his doom.