Whether Mr. McKenzie, in turn, will move too far toward psychological works remains to be seen.
All in all, the younger collectors, at least on opening night, gravitated toward modern works.
This has become one of Johns's signature statements, and in its deadpan way it speaks eloquently about his attitude toward works on paper.
Recently she has leaned toward more electroacoustic works.
But he has also relentlessly pushed the company toward neo-classical, modern and experimental works.
Additionally, the court's adoption of Neo-classicism and empirical science led to a receptiveness toward significant philosophical works.
Like Mr. Kernis, he is drawn toward works with descriptive titles.
It is also symptomatic of a trend toward smaller works, although that is not immediately apparent.
Imagine what the players will do tonight, when the balance shifts toward later works.
There was also a growing trend toward similar works by Russian composers.