Several in vitro and animal studies point towards a protective role of magnesium through multiple molecular mechanisms.
Critics noted his turn towards a more serious role, which reportedly had more substance in comparison to his previous roles.
Speculation, logically, tends towards a possible role in marketing tablet computer.
Originally designed to deliver nuclear weapons, modern usage has shifted towards a flexible role with conventional and nuclear capability.
This organisation has no distinct legal status but seems to move towards a role of these cities as regional capitals outside of London.
On the international scene, Podolski seems to be gravitating towards an attacking left midfield role from his traditional place as a striker.
Our democratic values, our common will to foster peace and security in the world and our history guide us towards such a role.
Firstly, the Commission will work towards an even stronger role for the co-chairs, including direct visits at ministerial level.
I view this as a process, a step towards a more global role of the EU as a whole rather than of any single country.
We must open the debate on institutional reform by calling for the end of the Commission's hegemonic power, and steer it back towards a purely administrative role.