In this way, people would have the same nightlife experience as usual but this time, their money would be going towards charity.
Charity Tours (only operate one railtour a year; all proceeds made from the tour goes towards charity)
From 1874 onwards, Walters opened his house in Mount Vernon Place to the public most springs, with a 50 cent entrance fee going towards charity.
He soon witnesses conflicting attitudes and dilemmas towards alcohol, charity and honesty.
The temple is known for its work towards charity since 1997.
The new CD Australian Hip Hop Supports CanTeen all money goes towards charity.
GiveIndia launched an online Payroll giving program in 2004 through which employees of the organization may pledge a certain portion of their monthly income towards charity every month.
When a PIP member fills in a questionnaire, an incentive is paid towards the patient organisation or charity of the member's choice.
It encourages philanthropy through brand posters and member participation by channelizing the money spent on Online advertising towards charity.
The money raised goes towards charity.