The song was available via the band's website with all proceeds going towards the cause.
The buffalo instantly lowered its head, turned towards the cause of his irritation, and charged.
Part of the proceeds from the food, booze and T-shirt sales go towards the cause.
Some people offered to help him, but most of the others kept themselves from donating towards the noble cause.
Furthermore, the music played in the concerts can lead spectators to interconnect and become more likely to act towards the cause.
Tall and unstooping, in blue, she came through the thorn trees towards the cause of the excitement.
The consequence was that public health measures were now directed towards the real cause of cholera.
Do the constituent parts of the group feel their contributions are important, and that others depend on their continued effort towards the cause?
Recent developments point towards the mundane cause of thermal radiation pressure forces inherent in the spacecraft.
During his tenure at the bar he was greatly moved towards the cause of people.