Towards the early 15th century it came under the Vijayanagara rule, and remained with them until the end of the 16th century.
Heading towards the 21st century, the 1990s were not very good years for the Peruvian football team.
Towards the 16th century, five poets emerged, though there are hundreds year gap in between them.
The practice started becoming noticeable towards the late 20th century because the brides' families found it difficult to meet these demands.
Towards the 14th century, as the Empire entered into a phase of terminal crisis, such achievements became less valued.
Towards the 16th century, five poets emerged; there is approximately hundred years between them.
Towards the late 20th century, the dominant trend was to use it to group all "typical" sunbirds.
Artistic and literary culture in Belgium began a revival towards the late 19th century.
This is one of the tenets which we need to develop as we move towards the 21st century.
Towards the middle 19th century Badger-baiting declined in popularity to be replaced by dog fighting.