Some games include a mechanism designed to make progress towards victory more difficult the closer a player gets to it.
I figured I was right there in the end game freewheeling towards victory.
Just when it appeared the holders were cruising towards victory, the Pars pulled a goal back four minutes before the interval.
At the 25 minute mark of the first quarter, the Eagles led by 35 points and seemed to be headed towards certain victory.
He praised the temporary reprieve as "the first step towards victory."
When battles resolve, players can earn 0 or more points towards victory.
Craig made 24 and put on 70 with Benaud to take his team towards victory, but the match eventually ended in a tie.
The 1980s team progressed cautiously towards victory.
Participants compete as individuals or in teams to complete challenges that move them towards victory in a competition spanning the entire party.
'He was just doing his bit towards victory.'