In 1824, the town of Colima was recognized as a city.
The importance of this dock, and the surrounding town which served it, has been recognized through excavation over the past fifty years.
In 1888, the town was recognized as such by the department.
The town was formally recognized as an ayuntamiento in 1826 by the State of Mexico.
The town was founded on 1915 and recognized as a municipality on the year of 1960.
By 1980, the town was recognized as a "bedroom community" of Tulsa, and the population had grown to 324.
Since the 1980s the town has been recognized as a suburb of Toronto, though it has an independent economy.
Residents say it's time their town was recognized as a clean place where crime has been cut by 40 percent in the last decade.
The town is also recognized by its distinct, red water tower.
The town is also recognized nationally for its pottery, iron, and textiles.