Ben's mom, Elaine, was the town librarian, but died in a car crash a few weeks before.
Henry (Jim) has become the town librarian, until Miles convinces him to help the rebels and go back to his real name.
Belle's interest of books is shown just like from the Disney movie and she becomes the town librarian.
"There's a lot of ill will there," says Gail Mirabile, a town librarian.
Margaret Butterfield, the town librarian, was delighted to hire her as an aide when she was in high school.
The game ends with the town librarian visiting Mike and telling him she found some pills in her purse.
He went into hiding as a town librarian after marrying a local woman.
"She's the town librarian, and she knows a lot about the founding of Fell's Church."
"Eventually, it will be repatriated," said James Sullivan, the town librarian, speaking for the association that runs the library and the museum.
His father was the town librarian and a Deacon at the local Congregational church.