To the south lies the town of Springfield, and to the north is the village of Ascutney.
The town of Springfield was occupied, and for an hour the chasseurs in the advance guard were skirmishing with the enemy beyond it.
He then moved his nascent organization to the town of Springfield, where the economy had failed and the population had become disillusioned.
(The neighboring town of Springfield grew at a higher percentage rate, due to a smaller overall population.)
The rest of the town of Springfield is in Windsor-1-2.
In that issue, he is working with Firefly as a security team for the Cobra-controlled town of Springfield.
Various institutions in the fictional town of Springfield on The Simpsons television show.
The town of Springfield acts as a complete universe in which characters can explore the issues faced by modern society.
Most episodes open with the camera zooming through the show's title towards the town of Springfield.
He first appears as a boy being held captive by Doctor Venom in the town of Springfield.