First of all, we stopped at Cong, a small town of white houses.
In the early evening they came to a town of thatched houses surrounding what Silver identified as a religious foundation.
This blue-collar town of white church steeples and wood-frame houses has its reasons for all the tough rules.
Panaji, its capital, is a charming town of narrow streets, old houses and cafes with a Portuguese flavor.
This town of brightly painted wooden houses with red metal roofs is fronted by a wide, pretty beach.
It's too narrow, even if it runs deep, and why in a town of beautiful houses my grandfather had to buy that one.
Westmont continues to be a town of significant attractive, large, old houses.
Throughout this town of houses crowded together on hilly streets, everyone seemed to have an opinion about the allegations of unfair play.
It was like a whole town of houses, but right among the trees, not a gap in the leaves overhead.
The town itself became a town of phantom houses in the moonlight, nearly all of them still and deserted.