Virtually every house in the town of 513 residents was flooded.
It has grown to be a town of 1,050 residents (2006).
There are 2,500 horses in the town of 20,700 residents.
School sports are big in this town of 8,700 residents.
Sandbags are one approach this town of 1,000 residents is not even trying.
Between 1850 and 1880 the area changed from a small rural settlement to a town of 4,500 residents.
In addition, he said, it would add prestige to the town of 83,800 residents.
It passed 183-50 in the town of over 23,000 residents.
The library serves the town of 4,775 residents according to the 2000 census.
He became a lawyer in Louisa, a small town of 2,500 residents.