In the late 1770s, the town petitioned (ultimately unsuccessfully) to join Vermont.
The town petitioned the legislature to reincorporate and appoint new commissioners so that improvements could be made.
Between 1527 and 1536 many towns petitioned the king to close the Franciscan houses.
The larger unincorporated industrial towns could petition for incorporation under this Act and many did so over the following years.
The town petitioned her to grant letters patent to the school, under which a proper board of trustees, or "governors", could be established.
In 1322, however the town of Beverley petitioned parliament, requesting that they be allowed to build a protective town wall.
Counties and most towns must petition DOT to change a speed limit.
Without a stable source of water, the town of Fletcher nearly met its demise and petitioned for annexation by Denver.
Another town, Rumney, has petitioned to keep the pay phone at its general store.
West Virginia may be the only state where a roadless town has petitioned the Soviet Union for foreign aid.