The town eventually renamed it Carleton Pond, after the family which donated the surrounding property to the town.
The split came only six years after the town had renamed itself "Nashua", in 1836.
Perry's son, David, and his wife were also in attendance when the town of Palena renamed a street for Como.
The town renamed the street Labatut General.
The small town had replaced the old campsites with permanent structures and renamed Tishomingo by 1856.
The town renamed the property Enterprise Park at Calverton and has sought to develop it commercially.
December 1, 1955 - The town of Inariyamakuwahara renamed the town to Inariyama.
The town renamed itself Jim Thorpe in 1954, when the widow of the football, baseball and Olympic track star agreed to bury him there.
May 5, 1972-The town of Akita gained city status and renamed to Akigawa.
The nearby town has renamed itself Challengerville, managing to thrive on the team's name.