Indeed, it was generally believed that some trace chemical from the kelp had been responsible for luring it here.
"He tried to emphasize the importance of major factors such as smoking, drinking and diet over concerns about trace chemicals linked to cancer."
"I definitely am detecting one of th' trace chemicals he took along with him."
The trees there were unique in only one way, in their hunger for a certain trace chemical brought to them by far-reaching, far-trading vines.
He added, "It does raise a question of whether we should be looking more closely at the trace chemicals from human use."
Different lots of ammunition could be tagged by adding trace chemicals to the gunpowder.
Now farmers routinely boost fertility by adding small concentrations of such trace chemicals, as little as a pound per acre.
The trace chemicals your doctor found in this host's system were from the drug set Bethan developed.
A growing area of interest is the effect upon human health of trace chemicals, collectively called phytochemicals.
"What about your original theory that there might be trace chemicals in the water?"