All those that have this last name can trace their ancestors' migration route through the Dedza area in the 17th century.
The revival of interest in traditional styles can be traced to Cairo in the early 19th century.
The use of this concept in legal language can be traced to English cases in the nineteenth century.
The Tyler family proudly traced its lineage to colonial Williamsburg in the 17th century.
Persecution of Christians can be traced historically from the time of Jesus in the first century to the present time.
You can trace the roots of the common-man memorial at least to Rodin in the 19th century.
Landolfi is an Italian surname that can trace its origins back to the Longobards in the 5th century.
In California, pinot noir plantings can be traced to the early days of commercial wine making, in the 19th century.
Belestre's family comes from the French nobility and their line can be traced back to France in the 15th century.
The town's origins can be traced back to European colonisation in the late 19th century, when large numbers of settlers came to work the local coal fields.