The line near Corton can be traced fairly easily, including the original embankments.
But the cause of the current discomfort can be traced to several things, including the Yankees' more passive approach on the bases.
The players may build from any track that can be traced back to his starting marker, including track that was built by other players.
The 493 confirmed and likely cases of shigellosis in this instance were traced to restaurant foods, including chicken sandwiches and pasta dishes, garnished with parsley.
During the medieval period the main manor can be traced via various families, including the de Lyons in the 14th century.
That outperformance by munis can be traced to several factors, including two effects of recent tax law changes.
The origin of the term "Amazon feminism" can be traced to several sources, including Thomas Gramstad.
Central Intelligence argued that China's sudden advance in nuclear design might be traced in part to other causes, including the ingenuity of Beijing's scientists.
Other sections can still be traced on the ground, including the two tunnels where the Ventnor lines were taken through the downs.
Later US Presidents' ancestry can often be traced to ancestors from multiple nations in Europe, including England.