Another track, entitled "Dream" was fully recorded and mixed for the final cut of the album.
The last song contains an acoustic hidden track entitled Trollvisan which can be heard at 11:03 minutes.
The track entitled "Caffeine", was included as a bonus track in 2011.
They were supposed to appear on a track entitled "Sloped Tropics", though this song did not make the final cut.
Tyler first began by recording a track entitled "My!
The single was released as part of a 3-track extended play, including another track entitled "Bite The Hand".
A 14th track entitled "Freeman" was also made but didn't make it to the album.
A hidden acoustic track entitled "Chicago is Cliche" appears at the final minutes of the record.
The regular edition exclusively contains a hidden track entitled "Attack it!"
A short track entitled "What's Up" was hidden in the 3-second 'header' at the beginning of the album.