It also electronically tracks shipments all the way from manufacturer to freight company to distribution center to store.
Mr. Katz, who has handled the dispute with Canada, said the United States would track shipments from other Canadian provinces.
One day, as the company tracked shipments, an employee observed that Honda dealers were unable to deliver bikes until Mr. Vetter's fairings and bags were installed.
The Wal-Mart strategy required and fostered the development of a company-wide computer system to track incoming and outgoing shipments to the various stores.
The recruit is alone, supported by MI6 agent Maggie Powers and Crusher to plant surveillance equipment to track viral shipments.
They track shipments and money transactions.
So far, Washington has drawn more than a dozen nations into a loose posse to track and stop shipments, and Germany, Italy, Taiwan and Japan have executed seizures.
He said that intelligence agencies tracked shipments and that federal law required every ship sailing for American shores to file a manifest of all cargo.
The fund, started in 1997, recently took a small stake in Air2Web, which produced technology that U.P.S. uses to let customers track shipments online.
The Government has adopted the system to track shipments of ammunition; the Department of Energy has used it to follow shipments of nuclear waste.