Careless was lost in the trackless jungles of South America.
The southern boundaries of the kingdom are quite indistinct, since there are only trackless jungles in that quarter.
For the most part, Nyissa is densely forested, enveloped as it were in a vast, trackless, sub-tropical jungle.
North then, and across the trackless jungle and the river-sea.
Outside, he was confronted by a seemingly trackless jungle.
He followed her into what at first appeared to be trackless jungle, and then became in-dubitably a path, narrow and carefully concealed with vines.
There were needle cactuses, thornberries, and tangle trees in that trackless jungle, but he nullified them as he passed through.
I have watched them laboring to cut through what has been, up to now, the trackless jungle.
Even as we speak a road is being cut through the trackless jungle there.
He parachuted into the trackless jungle, where he barely survived for 31 days until found by local hunters.