Lamborghini, you may not remember, is a relatively recent (1964) addition to the world of exotic cars, the hobby and passion of the Italian tractor maker.
The tractor makers, seed companies, fertilizer manufacturers and food processors will probably prevent federal policy from aiding the grassland renaissance.
Fidelity mutual funds also cut their holdings in the shares of several other cyclical companies, including Deere & Company, the tractor maker.
Sounds like a sudden burst of co-operation between the world's tractor makers?
Would that all tractor makers fitted such a feature!
The shock is that the hand throttle, beloved of tractor makers for 80 years has gone.
Ferrari responded, saying that he was just a tractor maker, and could not know anything about sports cars.
The tractor makers say their troubles are temporary because farmers are in their best financial condition in years.
But industry experts say tractor makers should remember that the Japanese auto companies scored their first American successes with small cars.
It is developing a service with tractor makers to provide servicing and repairs for subscribers.