Like a pumpkin that got squot by a tractor wheel.
There had been no rain for several weeks and the earth was hard, barely showing marks of the tractor wheels.
I asked you this once before: What's making you take up the rifle instead of a tractor wheel or a book or a fishing rod?
There was far more room inside, thick radiation shielding by water in the walls, and eight big tractor wheels.
One of those interesting conversations with Thomas, like, which are better train wheels or tractor wheels.
Once he went to the market to buy some food, and a Serb ran it over, grinding into the dirt with his tractor wheels.
Over by the tractor, I saw Lou standing over somebody laying back against one of the tractor wheels.
The tractor wheels added more weight to be towed, requiring the use of Holt artillery tractors to replace horses.
The last wheel set are called tractor wheels, or running wheels.
Why, young Ivan doesn't know a computer terminal from a tractor wheel.