The Yankees have attempted to trade Winfield on several occasions, although he has the power to veto any deal.
The Yankees have steadfastly maintained that they have the right to trade Winfield.
The Yankees said they could trade Winfield because of a clause written into the contract Winfield signed in December 1980.
He traded Winfield prematurely.
In recent years, Steinbrenner prodded his various Yankee general managers to trade Winfield despite the outfielder's right to approve any deal.
I didn't want to trade Winfield.
On May 11 of this year, the Yankees announced they had traded Winfield to the Angels.
In the last year, Steinbrenner has urged, if not ordered, his general managers to trade Winfield.
They wanted to trade Winfield for him.
On the possibility he will continue to try to trade Winfield, as he has done in the past: "There is not that much out there for Dave at his age.