Fusion fuels could be a major trade commodity for Selene.
In addition to its significance as a trade commodity, wine also served important religious, social and medical purposes in Greek society.
Historically, Indian spices and herbs were one of the most sought after trade commodities.
Large transnational companies have begun to use fair trade commodities in their products.
One of the principal trade commodities was salt, which was exchanged for agricultural products.
Well-known examples of fair trade commodities are coffee and cocoa.
One particular crop, saffron, has been introduced as a major trade commodity in the province.
The abundance of the salmon run made the river an important food source and trade commodity for First Nations people in the region.
In addition to being a valuable trade commodity for personal consumption, wine also began to take on religious and cultural significance.
We should therefore be careful in making food an international trade commodity like any other.