He drew admiring stares from the younger players as he traded licks with another trombonist from his band.
The girls traded licks, however, just to know what they were missing.
It traded licks with the blues for years, while rock and pop would not exist without its stylistic trademarks: falsetto, melisma, growls and hollers, moans and hums.
Often, it begins with the guitarists trading licks and phrases, while gradually increasing the complexity of the technique used.
Listening to the music, one can almost imagine the two of them trading licks and guffaws right there on the front porch.
Knudsen sang lead vocals while Johnston, Simmons and McFee traded licks on guitar.
They were trading licks.
And Mr. Kilby squeezed out blues lines and traded licks with Mr. Perkins, whose lessons in pithiness have been taken to heart.
At Irving Plaza, he traded licks with the guitarist Larry Campbell, who is relatively new and only now relaxing into the informal groove.
A variation of this (also as punishment) is trading licks.