An electronic mailing list is being set up so the players can trade notes.
They traded notes with their counterparts from other states about everything from teacher education to how to win more support from the business community.
But she still needed to trade notes with Stu, and if he suggested they make their move on Ramsey tonight, she wouldn't argue.
Actually we're trading notes on how bad you are in the sack.
They trade notes about obscure back roads and side roads that will get them to their destination in half the time.
Carnevali is the main writer, with the duo continuously trading notes on the creative content.
Lawyers, financial auditors and computer-security programmers trade notes with street cops.
J. D. pulled a legal pad out of a backpack and they traded notes for a while.
Group members trade notes on side effects that, they complain, doctors often fail to inform them about.
After that they traded paintings, visits, and little notes.