Can the United States use the threat of trade penalties to get authoritarian governments to treat their own people with more respect?
The Administration has argued that those concerns are overblown: The world organization does not have the power to strike down laws, only to impose trade penalties.
While a humanitarian gesture, the trip also illustrated in part how countries are positioning themselves for an end of trade penalties.
Many experts contend out when a government is brought down by trade penalties, the bureaucracy is likely to be left intact.
It also criticized industrial nations for imposing trade penalties on others and for adopting managed-trade agreements.
Step-by-Step Approach The three Western allies had previously indicated that they might threaten Libya with immediate trade penalties.
We take no pleasure in imposing trade penalties on a close friend.
Trade sanctions are trade penalties imposed by a country or group of countries on another country or group of countries.
But instead of imposing the serious trade penalties he then threatened, he has imposed useful but excessively narrow sanctions.
Such a step would preserve the United States' ability to impose trade penalties against Europe, particularly the French.