People usually trade shares in stocks through a broker.
Over time, investment funds would trade shares in companies, leading to a stock market where individuals could buy and sell shares on their own.
Furthermore, private investors cannot trade shares on terms even approaching those available to fund managers.
Only about 700 companies in China have won permission to trade shares on one of the nation's young stock markets so far.
The purpose is to promote growth among smaller companies, and give them the benefits achieved by having shares traded on a regulated market.
His wife is alleged to have instructed him not to trade shares of Playboy.
I don't trade shares of stock illegally or have secret meetings to hide.
Until 2005, the right to directly trade shares on the exchange was conferred upon owners of the 1366 "seats".
The 10 million publicly traded shares have risen 55 percent since they came to market last June at $14.
And squeezed they are, trading fewer shares for smaller commissions.