The defeat of the TUC in the General Strike did not have the disastrous impact which trade unionists feared.
The examples above have already indicated this: politicians, officials, even trade unionists, work closely with journalists.
This worried not only trade unionists but some of the liberal progressive backers of the efforts of SPEW.
The pattern is much the same when Mr. Cuomo speaks to trade unionists.
The following year she founded the Women Worker, a monthly newspaper for women trade unionists.
Prosecutions might have been made under the law of conspiracy or under 5 Elizabeth for leaving work unfinished, but to trade unionists they were all "the laws against combination".
However when we look outwards and see what is happening in South Africa to trade unionists there, the scale of our problems is put into a truer perspective.
We know that this is a real concern to citizens, to trade unionists, to employers, and we need to look at this.
The development follows signs that splinter groups from the English Defence League are broadening their campaign from targeting Muslims to trade unionists and socialist organisations.
Now a left-leaning Solidarity MP with close ties to trade unionists, he points out that the only choice is between more recession and less recession.