Companies are using social networks to trade information amongst team members or other people who are part of the company.
Suburban kids trade the better alibis amongst each other.
Native American tribes in the Southwest had traded amongst themselves for centuries.
The Chumash had developed an economic system based on beads & shells that were traded amongst the villages.
At the time a group of women in Millington formed a reading club purchasing a small number of books to trade amongst themselves.
There are therefore many unofficial live recordings which are traded amongst fans.
Since higher-level resources require a higher corresponding level, players are encouraged to trade amongst each other for resources.
Classes were held, trading the costly one-on-one home placements for a team dynamic amongst the recipients.
This is because the institutions can now trade these formerly restricted securities amongst themselves, thereby eliminating the restrictions that are imposed to protect the public.
These pins are not allowed to be traded with cast members, although collectors may trade for these pins amongst themselves.