At the beginning of 1991, less than $5 million in stocks were traded daily; now the volume is about $60 million.
And millions of shares in diamond mining companies are being traded daily on Canadian stock exchanges.
More than one million shares were traded daily at the end of that week, about five times the average volume.
But he said that the exchange would "break even" after reducing its expenses if about 450,000 contracts were traded daily.
They essentially track the gold price and can be traded daily - all you pay is the dealing charge of around 0.4pc.
Salomon is one of the three largest firms in the Treasury securities market, where $115 billion worth of issues are traded daily.
At least 200 million shares have been traded daily on the Big Board in every session since Dec. 27.
Third, commodities are traded daily in auction markets, so that the index can be calculated on a virtually continuous basis.
In the old exchange, an average of 80,000 contracts were traded daily.
Billions of dollars of CDS were traded daily but the record keeping was more than two weeks behind.