These traders believe the dollar must be lower so the nation's trade deficit will decline.
Other traders believed that a number of central banks were selling the metal in an effort to keep its price from rising.
Few traders believe, however, that the data are enough to forestall another Fed rate increase.
But in this market, traders don't believe they have the time to wait.
That is a sign that professional traders did not believe the rumors.
A trade deficit that is higher than expected, traders believe, may lead industrial nations to try to drive down the value of the dollar.
Other traders believe they should let the profits run, so it is acceptable to stay with a position after the market closes.
He said traders believed wholesale beef sales would remain slow for the rest of the month.
But other traders believe that yesterday's stock action was inconclusive, and indicates little about the future direction of the market.
Easier credit would buoy economic and corporate growth, many traders believe.