In the tax-exempt bond market, traders and investors face political uncertainty even beyond the outcome of the Presidential election.
The market's bubble, they said, could easily burst next week when traders face a new supply of notes and data on consumer and producer prices.
This was reported as one of the dangers that Aztec traders faced.
If the shares rise in price, however, the trader faces a loss.
When traders face their palms in and hold their hands up, they are gesturing to buy.
Even longtime professional traders now face a powerful new market mover.
The exchange officials are angry at reports speculating that traders might face stiff fines when no one has even been indicted.
Many traders face longer trips to work and a scarce supply of parking spaces.
But if the market moves out of the trading range, the trader can face large losses quickly.
They're warning that traders selling illegal copies face heavy fines and imprisonment.