Traders interpreted the report as a signal the economy might be slowing.
Traders interpreted this as a signal to buy pounds vigorously.
Still, many traders and investors interpreted today's durable goods report as another sign that economic growth continued to move ahead at a strong pace.
Traders immediately interpreted that as a license to sell the dollar against the yen.
Traders interpreted that as a loose agreement to curb the dollar's gains.
Traders interpreted the news as a sign of instability that could undermine neighboring economies.
In the last few weeks, traders have interpreted each new piece of economic data as both encouraging and discouraging the Fed from raising rates.
For a day at least, traders interpreted his remarks to mean that the Fed has finished easing monetary policy.
She says investors and traders are already correctly interpreting a Clinton Presidency.
Traders in the credit markets interpreted the revised forecast as bad news, and short-term interest rose sharply.