Some 50 oil companies, banks and traders operate in the market, dealing in forward contracts in Brent crude worth around $30 billion a year.
For most of the three-year bull market, traders have operated under the assumption that interest rates were heading lower.
For their own convenience, these traders were operating between the English colonies and the French Canadians, despite the war between the two mother countries.
However, as all traders operate on the same exchange, each traders' actions has an interaction effect with other traders.
It was not planned for passengers, but a trader operated passenger services and they were surprisingly successful, and the company later operated them itself.
The traders themselves operate with strict limits on their positions.
English traders in the southeast had been operating for decades before the French arrived, but the French rapidly developed a rival trading network.
Many traders choose to set up as warehousekeepers and operate their own private customs warehouse, either premises or systems based.
Jewish traders were operating in southeastern Pennsylvania long before Penn.
Over 150,000 Ugandan traders operate across the border, generating an estimated $900 million in business.