The dollar was mostly lower as traders reacted negatively to a Government report on personal income.
Yesterday, analysts and traders in this market reacted favorably to the news.
The dollar fell as traders reacted negatively to the trade deficit.
Some utilities fell during the day, as traders reacted to the strengthening bond market.
The dollar finished mostly higher as traders reacted to a large overseas purchase.
"We find that institutional traders react to news, like rumors or changes in analysts' direction," he said.
Both the dollar and gold drifted downward as traders reacted to the housing news.
The negative economic news helped bond prices, but they still fell as traders reacted to fears of the Federal deficit.
Traders reacted to conflicting news reports about whether officials of key oil-exporting countries would agree on a price meeting this month.
Traders reacted sharply, sending Japan's currency down almost 4 percent to a rate of 137 to the dollar.