In those days traders supplied tourists with any item they desired, if the visitors were willing to wait a few days until it was finished.
It is recommended that traders supply a detailed commercial invoice.
Under the terms of a futures contract, any trader who has sold one must supply the underlying security to the contract's owner when it expires.
Later, traders supplied them with vermilion (red pigment) and bright grease paints.
The Chinese trader supplied the silks sent to Mexico and Spain in the galleon trade.
Mure was involved in a conglomerate of companies that took part in the fur trade, supplied traders and merchants and trans-Atlantic shipping.
The evaluation and surveillance of these instruments, to meet European Community requirements, is a service that any trader with the necessary expertise can supply commercially.
The traders supplied the food?
At first, Dutch traders supplied the equipment, financing, and African slaves, in addition to transporting most of the sugar to Europe.
There was no system for licensing traders, and unlicensed traders were supplying the Seminoles with liquor.